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Disaster recovery

Disaster recovery

Proven track record and trust

Construction work such as dismantling, removal, etc. and decontamination of buildings, etc. that hinder the preservation of the living environment that were damaged by the Tohoku Region Pacific Coast Earthquake that occurred on March 11, 2011 and the accompanying nuclear power plant accident, We are helping with reconstruction in various ways, such as construction work that focuses on industrial revitalization.
We have built a relationship of trust with our clients by reliably carrying out construction orders and steadily accumulating results.

Decontamination / demolition work

At the beginning of the earthquake, decontamination work and demolition of directly damaged buildings were the main activities, but currently, each municipality formulates and government-approved plans are focused on promoting reconstruction and revitalization. We are promoting the lifting of evacuation orders in the “Specified Reconstruction and Revitalization Base Areas”.
Our company also carried out work such as demolition and removal of damaged buildings such as "Tomioka Town", "Katsurao Village", and "Iitate Village", but there are many houses left outside the base area, and continuous reconstruction support is necessary.

  • Conceptual diagram of evacuation zone
  • High pressure water cleaning
    High pressure water cleaning
  • Forest decontamination
    Forest decontamination
  • Residential land decontamination
    Residential land decontamination
  • Road decontamination
    Road decontamination
  • Farmland decontamination
    Farmland decontamination

Dismantling of houses and restoration of temporary storage sites for radioactive waste

As evacuation life drags on, the number of houses that have not suffered direct damage but have become uninhabitable due to deterioration over time has increased.
Currently, in addition to construction work such as the removal of damaged buildings, etc., we are decontaminating private land that was used as a temporary storage site for radioactive waste and restoring it to the situation at the time it was rented (Temporary storage site restoration work).

  • Before
  • After

Construction work for industrial recovery

In recent years, in addition to physical reconstruction, efforts have also been made to support the return of residents who were evacuated and to reconstruct industries. Utilizing the subsidy projects of the national government and each municipality that focuses on industrial revitalization, our company also undertakes construction work of corporate housing complexes, etc. By revitalizing the local economy, we are able to bring back the residents who had been evacuated. We will help you to aim for a new population increase.

  • IMAS Night Forest
    IMAS Night Forest
  • IMAS Rokkoku Odaka
    IMAS Rokkoku Odaka